What muscle goes from the hyoid to the sternum?

What muscle goes from the hyoid to the sternum?

sternohyoid muscle
The sternohyoid muscle is a thin, narrow muscle attaching the hyoid bone to the sternum….

Sternohyoid muscle
Origin manubrium of sternum
Insertion hyoid bone
Artery superior thyroid artery
Nerve C1-C3 by a branch of ansa cervicalis

What muscles attach to the hyoid bone?

A large number of muscles attach to the hyoid:

  • Superior. Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle. Hyoglossus muscle. Genioglossus. Intrinsic muscles of the tongue. Suprahyoid muscles. Digastric muscle. Stylohyoid muscle. Geniohyoid muscle.
  • Inferior. Thyrohyoid muscle. Omohyoid muscle. Sternohyoid muscle. Sternothyroid muscle.

Can you feel your hyoid bone?

The hyoid bone is a slender, U-shaped bone. It’s suspended just beneath the mandible. It isn’t directly attached to any other bone. You can feel your own hyoid bone here, and you can move it from side to side.

What is the function of the sternohyoid muscle?

This group of muscles contains four main muscles: the omohyoid muscle, the sternohyoid muscle, the sternothyroid muscle, and the thyrohyoid muscle. The primary function of this group of muscles is to depress the hyoid bone during speech and swallowing.

What muscle elevates the hyoid bone?

The mylohyoid elevates the hyoid bone, tenses the floor of the mouth. The Geniohyoid pulls the hyoid bone anterosuperiorly, shortening the floor of the mouth and widening the pharynx during swallowing. The Stylohyoid elevates and retracts the hyoid bone, elongating the floor of the mouth during swallowing.

Can you feel the sternohyoid muscle?

The sternohyoid is superficial so it is easy to palpate. However, because it is so small, it requires a fine touch to feel and discern it from adjacent musculature. To palpate the sternohyoid, place your palpating fingers between the sternum and hyoid bone and then gently resist the client from depressing the mandible.

What muscles are attached to the hyoid bone quizlet?

Terms in this set (10)

  • digastricus. depresses mandible.
  • mylohyoid. elevates hyoid bone.
  • stylohyoid. elevates larynx.
  • thyrohyoid. depresses hyoid.
  • omohyoid. depresses hyoid/larynx.
  • sternohyoid. depresses hyoid/larynx.
  • sternothyroid. depresses hyoid/larynx.
  • splenius capitis/cervicis. extends, rotates head.

Which of the following muscles does not directly attach to the hyoid?

The sternothyroid muscle originates from the dorsal surface of the manubrium and inserts on the oblique line of thyroid cartilage. That is why the sternothyroid is the only hyoid muscle that does not directly attach to the hyoid bone. The sternothyroid lies in close relation to the capsule of the thyroid gland.

Does the hyoid bone feels like lump?

Some scary lumps are just normal anatomy. People are often frightened when they feel one of their salivary glands, the thyroid gland, or the tip of the hyoid bone in the neck. Muscles in the neck can also have lumps of spasm or tenderness. In other words, some lumps are supposed to be there.

Is the hyoid bone lump?

Solid primary tumors of the hyoid bone are exceedingly rare. Reported cases have included chondrosarcoma, plasmacytoma, osteosarcoma, giant cell tumor, aneurysmal bone cyst, and benign osteoma. Patients with hyoid bone tumors usually present with dysphagia and may have a palpable neck mass.

What muscles depress the hyoid?

Infrahyoid muscles: Together, the infrahyoid muscles play an active role in swallowing through the movement of the larynx. The omohyoid, sternohyoid, and thyrohyoid act to depress the hyoid bone. The thyrohyoid elevates the larynx whereas the sternothyroid depress the larynx.

Which muscle is responsible for the elevation of the larynx and depression of the hyoid bone?

The digastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid and geniohyoid function in elevating the hyoid. The sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid, and thyrohyoid function in depressing the hyoid.