What is the DEC number?

What is the DEC number?


Name Phone Number Email
Spill Hotline (24-hour, toll-free hotline for reporting oil or chemical spills) 1-800-457-7362 (within NY State) (518) 457-7362 (outside NY State) n/a
Inspector General Hotline (leaves DEC website) (24-hour, toll-free hotline for filing complaints) 1-800-DO RIGHT (1-800-367-4448) n/a

What hunting zone is Rochester NY in?

Rochester/ Western Finger Lakes – Region 8.

How many DEC officers are in NY?

This mission is accomplished by over 330 sworn members of the Division of Law Enforcement.

What does NYS DEC do?

DEC’s Mission Mission: “To conserve, improve and protect New York’s natural resources and environment and to prevent, abate and control water, land and air pollution, in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state and their overall economic and social well-being.”

Is an IMEI the same as DEC or HEX?

IMEI codes (14 digit codes with all decimal digits) are treated as hexadecimal numbers when the 18 digit format is calculated. The check digit is, however, calculated using the decimal Luhn algorithm for both 14 and 18 digit formats.

What is the difference between MEID HEX and MEID Dec?

ESN numbers can have several formats, including an IMEI and MEID. MEID numbers also have multiple formats, MEID HEX and MEID DEC. The HEX value is a mix of letters and numbers and the DEC value is all numbers.

Do you have to wear orange during bow season in NY?

All other hunters are not required by law to wear fluorescent orange while hunting in New York. However, DEC highly recommends ALL hunters wear a fluorescent orange hat, vest and/or coat while hunting small game or big game.

What zone is Finger Lakes?

Most of the Finger Lakes area is in Zone 5, a little milder up near Lake Ontario where it’s Zone 6. England is the same temperate zone as our southern states, except that it doesn’t have the extreme heat and humidity that our South has, plus it has a lot of nice gentle rains.

How much does a New York State Conservation Officer make?

Currently the hiring rate for ECO Trainee 1 is $54,243. After completing 30 weeks as an ECO Trainee 1, the salary increases to $56,820. After an additional 22 weeks and progression to ECO Trainee 2, the salary increases to $59,448. Upon completion of the 2-year traineeship, the salary is $62,228.

Does NY State have game wardens?

Since game wardens are certified law enforcement officers, they are frequently called on to assist in times of crises, including everything from wildfires to situations with national security implications. As sworn police officers, all New York state game wardens carry a firearm.

Who is Basil seggos?

Basil Seggos was appointed Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) by Governor Andrew Cuomo, and has served in this role since 2015, leading an agency of more than 3,000 professionals.

Who funds the DEC?

Financing. Licensing and permitting fees provide the DEC with the majority of its primary operating revenue, at about 58%. Direct funding from the state contributes another 24%, and federal programs and grants make up the remaining 17% difference.