What are 5 animals that live in the Great Barrier Reef?

What are 5 animals that live in the Great Barrier Reef?

#Reef animals

  • Manta Ray. With the largest brain to body ratio of any living fish, these gentle giants are under threat.
  • Green Turtle. As the only species in the genus Chelonia, the Green Turtle is a rare icon of the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Dugong.
  • Whale Shark.
  • Clownfish.
  • Mantis Shrimp.
  • Humpback Whale.
  • Giant Triton.

What type of fish live in the coral reef?

More than 1,500 fish species live on the reef, including the clownfish, red bass, red-throat emperor, and several species of snapper and coral trout. About 5,000 species of mollusks live on the reef.

What is the most common reef fish?

Undoubtedly, the common clownfish is the MOST POPULAR SALTWATER FISH.

How many individual fish are in the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is home to a stunning array of animals, from microscopic plankton to whales weighing more than 100 tonnes. More than just fish and coral, the Reef supports: 1625 species of fish, including 1400 coral reef species. More than 3000 species of molluscs (shells)

How many fish live in coral reefs?

Healthy coral reefs provide: Habitat, feeding, spawning, and nursery grounds for over 1 million aquatic species, including commercially harvested fish species.

What is the biggest fish in the coral reef?

The most common big fish there is giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis), a predator which can reach 1.7 m length (5 feet) and 68 kg (150 pounds) maximum. But there are also lots of sharks such as grey reef sharks and Galapagos sharks.

What saltwater fish are purple?

The Purple Pseudochromis, Pseudochromis porphyreus, also known as the Purple Dottyback, Strawberry Gramma, and Magenta Dottyback, is named for its vibrant purple body color….Care Facts.

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Diet: Canivore
Reef Safe: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons

What sharks are in the Great Barrier Reef?

– Parascyllidae – Collared Carpet Sharks – Brachaeluridae – Blind Sharks – Orectolobidae – Wobbegong Sharks – Hemiscyllidae – Bamboo Sharks – Stegostomatidae – Zebra Sharks (you may call them Leopard Sharks) – Ginglymostomatidae – Nurse Sharks – Rhincodontidae – The Whale Shark 1

What species are in the Great Barrier Reef?

Bryzoans: around 950 species of tiny animals that form coral-like colonies and are often confused with corals

  • Worms: about 500 species have been recorded along the Great Barrier Reef
  • Marine insects and spiders: likely to be greater than five species of marine spider and more than 20 species of marine insects
  • What animals live in the Great Barrier Reef?

    Clownfish. Did you know?

  • Giant clams. Dive to the depths of the Great Barrier Reef to encounter ‘a giant legend’ – and when we say giant,we mean it.
  • Manta rays.
  • Maori wrasse.
  • Potato cod.
  • Sharks.
  • Turtles.
  • Whales.
  • What makes the Great Barrier Reef so special?

    Mammals. Thirty species of whales,dolphins,and porpoises have been seen in the Great Barrier Reef.…

  • Turtles and Dugongs. Six species of sea turtles come to the reef to breed.…
  • Other sea animals.…
  • Birds.…
  • Plants.…
  • Sea snakes.…
  • Fish,ascidians and bryozoans.…
  • Corals.