Are Iranian hospitals good?

Are Iranian hospitals good?

Those in need of more complex care, including surgical services, are referred to hospitals. Iran’s primary healthcare system has been rated as “excellent” by UNICEF. The Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) operates public hospitals, both general and specialty hospitals, throughout Iran.

How many hospitals does Iran have?

In 2016, there were 773 hospitals in Iran, which is one for every 92,100 residents. These are located mainly in cities, so urban residents have the advantage of having access to specialized healthcare.

Does Iran have public healthcare?

Currently, Iran has public and private systems; however, public healthcare has taken on the main role in healthcare services. Unfortunately, there continue to be disparities between rural and urban access. Rural citizens obtain healthcare services at health houses that are scattered across Iran’s countryside.

What is the most common health problem in Iran?

TEHRAN, Iran — Noncommunicable diseases like cardiovascular disorders and cancer are currently the most widespread and harmful diseases in Iran. Cardiovascular disease is the most common, killing 100,000 Iranians each year, while chronic kidney disease also poses a serious health threat to the entire nation.

What does the name Tabriz mean?

Tabriz is Arabic/Muslim Boy name and meaning of this name is “Intelligent”.

What are the health initiatives in Iran?


  • Introduction.
  • Integration of Medical education and service provision.
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination.
  • Mental health services in primary health care.
  • Developing e-health.
  • Sophisticated health services.
  • Social determinants of health.
  • What is the cause of death in Iran?

    The present study showed that cardiovascular disease, motor vehicle accidents, cancers, intentional and unintentional injuries are the major causes of death in Iranian population.