How do you conjugate usted?

How do you conjugate usted?

If the subject is he (él), she (ella) or you – formal (usted), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -a (-ar verbs) or -e (-er and -ir verbs). If the subject is we (nosotros/nosotras), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -amos, -emos, or -imos, depending on whether the verb is -ar, -er or -ir.

What are affirmative usted commands?

The affirmative command is formed by changing the –r of the infinitive to –d. The negative command is identical to the vosotros/as form of the present subjunctive. For reflexive verbs, affirmative commands are formed by dropping the –r and adding the reflexive pronoun –os.

How do you conjugate hacer?


  1. yo. hago.
  2. tú haces.
  3. él/ella/Ud. hace.
  4. nosotros. hacemos.
  5. vosotros. hacéis.
  6. ellos/ellas/Uds. hacen.

What are irregular usted commands?

Irregular Formal Commands

Verb Meaning Usted Command
Dar to give
Estar to be esté
Ir to go vaya
Saber to know sepa

How do you use UD and UDS commands?

Think of the present tense yo form of the verb you want to make into an usted command, then drop the – o ending and add the él, ella, or usted ending normally used for the opposite kind of verb. For an – ar verb, use – e, and for an – er or – ir verb, use – a. Table 1 shows the endings for usted and ustedes commands.

What is hacer in usted form?

tú haces. él/ella/Ud. hace. nosotros.

Does usted have an accent mark?

All verbs, whether regular or irregular, have an accent mark on the last syllable when conjugated in the simple past form. This applies only to yo (I), él, ella, usted (he, she, you-formal singular). For vosotros (you-informal plural), the accent goes on the second to last syllable.