What was the Krypteia in Sparta?

What was the Krypteia in Sparta?

…the Spartan secret police, the Krypteia, to patrol the Laconian countryside and put to death any supposedly dangerous helots. Sparta’s conservative foreign policy is often attributed to the fear of revolts by the helots.

What role did the Krypteia play in the Spartan social system?

According to some sources, kryptai would stalk the helot villages and surrounding countryside, spying on the servile population. Their mission was to prevent and to suppress unrest and rebellion. Another point of contestation is the time of day at which the Crypteia operated.

What were Perioikoi in Sparta?

The Perioeci or Perioikoi (Greek: Περίοικοι, /peˈri. oj. koj/) were the members of a social class and population group of non-citizen inhabitants of Laconia and Messenia, the territory controlled by Sparta, concentrated in the coastal and highland areas.

When did the agoge start?

According to Xenophon, it was introduced by the semi-mythical Spartan law-giver Lycurgus, and modern scholars have dated its inception to the 7th or 6th century BC Regardless, the structure and content of the agōgē changed over time as the practice fell in and out of favour throughout the Hellenistic period.

What was the Krypteia quizlet?

The krypteia was the secret police in Sparta they consisted of boys from 18 to 20 and was a regular part of the agoge.

When was the great Rhetra written?

The Great Rhetra tradition, was not written down, as was customary in 5th century Athens. 2 There is a general agreement among the scholars that the Great Rhētra derives from the Archaic era, see further Kõiv 2005: 235f. seventh century (699–675) to as late as the second half of the same century (650–600).

What rights did the Perioeci have?

The perioeci had the rights to own lands, and belonged to the civic army the same title as equals: they were hoplites in the army and epibastes in the navy. They could not participate in any political decisions and could not marry Spartan men or women.