What do magnetic hock boots do?

What do magnetic hock boots do?

The Magnetic boots are worn to the horses to help to help in reducing signs of splints and windgalls. These boots are specifically designed to help increase the circulation of the blood flow in the legs of horses in order to avoid swelling.

Do magnetic boots work on horses?

Magnetic Horse Boots and Magnetic Leg Wraps may help reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation by increasing blood flow to the area which speeds the healing process.

How does magnetic therapy work on horses?

This magnetic field penetrates through your horse’s muscle and soft tissue, and cellular activity is increased. It is thought that this assists and increases the body’s natural healing process and helps to speed up recovery by increasing the rate at which cells regenerate and repair.

What are hock boots for horses?

Hock and knee boots for your horse are designed to support the recovery process after an injury or as a preventive measure for the hock and knee joint.

Are magnetic boots good for laminitis?

Can I use traditional magnets on my laminitis horse? No. To support your horse with laminitis you need to reduce heat to the local area, not increase it.

Are magnetic boots good for splints?

Magnetic Horse Boots and Magnetic Leg Wraps can help reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation by increasing blood flow to the area which speeds the healing process. How long do splints take to heal in horses? The most important part of treating splints is rest and reducing inflammation.

How long can you leave back on track hock boots on?

Use the product for two to three weeks and have a break one week, to see if the symptoms persist. As a preventive measure, Back on Track can be used with regular breaks.

How long can you leave hock boots on for?

Instructions for Use: Back on Track Hock Boots should be gradually introduced by using them for 2-4 hours for the first 3-5 days. After that you may use them overnight 2-3 weeks. Give the horse a break from use for 4-7 days, then use again for 2-3 weeks without the slow introduction period.

How do you prevent hock sores in horses?

Apply a Wrap and Hock Shield When using a hock shield as part of the healing process for a sore, it is a good idea to wrap the sore in bandaging first. The bandaging and hock shield work well together to keep the sore from becoming even more irritated.